Sunday, February 24, 2013

季節の楽しみ色々 (by Heeyoung)




最初はBig Circleを作ってHello Songから

Hello Hello Hello and how are you
I'm fine I'm fine and I hope that you are too


If you're happy and you know it clap your hands (clap clap)
If you're happy and you know it *clap your hands (clap clap)
If you're happy and you know it and then your face will surely show it 
If you're happy and you know it *clap your hands (clap clap)

** stomp your feet

*** shout "Hurray!"

じゃ、今度はFinger exerciseにもなるOpen shut them song 

Open, shut them.
(On 'Open', place both hands in front of you,
palms facing away and opening them wide
On 'shut them', clench hands into fists.)

Give a little clap.
(Clap hands.)

Open, shut them

Put them in your lap.

Creep them, creep them Right up to your chin
(Slowly creep them starting at the tummy,
slowly 'creep' fingers up toward the face, gently pull chin downward.)

*Open up your mouth but do not let them in.
(Just as it looks like you're going to
put fingers into mouth, quickly run
fingers back down body toward tummy.)

** right up to your eyes open wide your eyes and through the fingers peek- Peek a boo

Shake them shake them almost to the ground
and quickly pick them up again and turn them round and round.

☆ Ballで遊びましょう~

Now we gonna play with a ball~
Do you like playing with the ball?

I’m gonna roll the ball to you and please turn it back to me
You can throw the ball, roll the ball, bounce the ball or kick the ball !
Anyway you want~

I roll the ball to Yuma she rolled it back to me
Good job~!

☆ 節分はもう終わったけど、豆まきをしました。

go away monster~!
go away monster~!

☆ Story Time


そしてみんな好きだった、Noisy Noses Little Kitten
鼻を押せば、Meow Meow~

☆ 袋の中に入ってるのは何??
もしかして Monster!




* ー * ー * ー * ー *

Yuma's school(Super 2)のCategotyにシカゴでの授業が少し乗ってます。


See you soon ♩ ♪ ♬

Friday, February 15, 2013

Getting Your Sillies Out! (Session leader: Christine)

The January 25th session was a way for our toddlers to "explore" their feelings. Of course, many of our little ones (LOs) are in the throes of the "terrible twos and threes," and their main feelings probably center around "frustration" when they have tantrums! However, our LOs can also be happy, sad, mad, scared, sleepy, and yes...SILLY!

We started out the session with a welcome song, "Hello!" (sung to the tun of Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star):
Let's see who is here today, Who has come to join our play?
Everyone sit close at hand,
Say your name, then you can stand,
Let's see who is here today,
Who has come to join our play?
We then looked at the emotions we were going to talk about--being happy, sad, mad, silly, scared, and sleepy--and got the kids moving with a fun song, "If You're Happy and You Know It...," with a bit of a twist:
If you're happy, happy, happy, clap your hands.
If you're happy, happy, happy, clap your hands.
If you're happy, happy, happy, clap  your  hands, clap your hands.
If you're happy, happy, happy, clap your hands.

If you're mad, mad, mad, stomp your feet...(repeat)

If you're sad, sad, sad, say, "Boo-hoo!"...(repeat)

If you're scared, scared, scared, say, "Oh no!"...(repeat)

If you're sleepy, sleepy, sleepy, take a nap...(repeat)

If you're silly, silly, silly, give mom a kiss...(repeat)
Hiding emotion cards around the room, Christine would make happy/sad/mad/silly/scared/sleepy faces at the kids who then had to find the correct card.

We then moved on to "Baby Happy, Baby Sad," a book that talks about a day in the life of one baby who is "happy" and "sad." The kids loved listening to the explanation of why the baby was happy or sad.

This session's craft was creating faces. Blank faces were passed out to the kids who selected and pasted different eyes, noses and mouths to make up silly faces. Some of the pictures were certainly creative!

Towards the end of the session, we read more two books, "I Love You Through and Through" and "The Mommy Book."

The session ended with a goodbye song sung to the tun of Farmer in the Dell):
Now our day is done.
We've had a lot of fun.
It's time to go
So don't be slow
Goodbye to everyone.
Put your things away,
It's time for us to say,
"Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye,"
Until another day.
I hope that the kids learned a few new words to tell you how they're feeling!

Monday, February 11, 2013

クリスマスを楽しもう!(Session leader: Manami)


まずは「Good Morning Song」を皆で歌いながらごあいさつ。
これは「Good By Song」の替え歌です。
「Good Morning Song」
Good Morning
Good Morning
Good Morning to you
Good Morning
Good Morning
I'm glad to see you~
「Don't Let to The Pigeon Drive the Bus!」ハトの色々な交渉に、「No!」といいつづけられるかな?

「Seven Steps 」
one two three four five six seven
one two three four five six seven
one two three one two threeone two three for five six seven
♪Seven Stepsの歌に合わせ、下線の部分で足をはねさせたり、子供たちをくすぐったりしました。


